We envision 2024 as a year where we step-out-of-the-boat in faith to embark as a church family on an exciting journey of generosity and sacrifice for the sake of revitalizing our church campus and expanding ministries to better live into our mission and reach many more families around us. Your opinion and perspective matters. Please email Pastor Jordan at jordan@thelifehousechurch.com with your questions and comments.

Commitment Card







Outdoor Upgrades

  • Expanding the next-generation community park by installing two new playgrounds, a concrete patio with walkways, shade coverings, and signage for optimal use year-round for families of all ages
  • Installing a large new cross, better signage, and improved landscaping along Sierra College Blvd to improve visibility


Indoor Upgrades

  • Updating Worship Center lighting, technology, and painting to optimize gatherings and make it more inviting
  • Renovating outdated kitchen and four restrooms to better serve growing kids and student ministries and large outreach events


Building Improvements

  • Renovating the entire exterior of the building with a new inviting look and fixing deteriorating stucco, wood rot, and storage sheds 
  • Adding a large front courtyard shade covering to better utilize and enjoy in all weather conditions before and after service and during outreaches for fellowship and connections




  • New Multi-Purpose Family Room
  • New Parking Lot and Designed Landscaping 
  • New Multi-Purpose Sports Field with Outdoor Pavilions 




  • New Multi-Purpose Worship Center with Expanded Lobby, Kitchen, and Bathrooms
  • New Multi-Purpose Student and Community Center with Outdoor Prayer Garden and Gathering Spaces
  • Renovated and Expanded Offices and Kid’s Spaces


Still have questions, or want to make a comment? Email Pastor Jordan:

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